Adapting Recipes

Adapting Recipes

Adapting Recipes

You can change recipes easily to make them more healthy.


  • Use polyunsaturated fats. If cheese use half fat cheese


  • Use herbs, spices, lemon juice, instead of salt which is bad for you


  • Use artificial sweetener or add natural sugars from fruit e.g. dried apricots
  • To make a recipe more healthy you can add fibre by adding fresh fruit and vegetables. Fibre stops constipation.

There are also some other ways to adapt recipes:

Make cheaper

  • Add more cereals and bulking goods e.g. more pasta and less sauce

Suit Vegetarian

  • Use corn or TVP (textured vegetable protein)

Suit consumer demands

  • Make vegetarian, make it dolphin friendly, no beef, not tested on animals
Food Preparation

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Food Preparation

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Food Preparation



Food Preparation

Properties of foods

Properties of foods

Food Preparation

