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Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George were present at the Paris Peace conference. How did what they wanted to achieve from the treaty differ?
The Treaty of Versailles
Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George were present at the Paris Peace conference. How did what they wanted to achieve from the treaty differ?
Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George were present at the Paris Peace conference. How did what they wanted to achieve from the treaty differ?
Clemenceau (France)
Wanted to cripple Germany so it couldn't attack France again.
France had suffered the most during the war so Clemenceau was under great pressure to make Germany pay.
Wanted Germany broken down into smaller states (weakened).
Wilson (USA)
Wanted a better and more peaceful world.
He was idealistic - proposed League of Nations.
USA had joined war late (1917) and hadn't suffered much.
Set up 14 points but had to sacrifice them for League.
Believed in self-determination.
Lloyd George (UK)
Wanted Germany to be justly punished but not too harshly.
Germany to lose navy and colonies as these were a threat to Britain's.
Wanted Germany and Britain to trade again.
Didn't want Germany seeking revenge in the future.
Pressure at home to make Germany pay - elected promising this.
The Treaty of Versailles
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