Large invasions

Large invasions

Large invasions

Japan Invading Manchuria

  • First major test for the league.
  • Japan is now a major power with a strong army and navy, strong industry and growing empire.
  • Then depression - economy in crisis - Japan couldn't feed people - Army leaders try to build up Japan by force.
  • Japan's army overran Manchuria and throughout Chinese forces - set up a puppet government - bombed Shanghai.
  • Government in Japan told army to withdraw but refused.
  • China appealed to the league.
  • L O N G delay before League of Nations did anything. Agreed Japan was wrong and Manchuria should return to Japan.
  • Japan said it would invade more and resigned from the league.
  • League made excuses like Japan was a special case and so far away.
  • Sanctions were no good without USA.
  • Britain wanted to stay on Japans good side.
  • As critics had warned the league was powerless if a strong nation was aggressive.
  • Hitler and Mussolini followed Japan's example 3 years later.

Mussolini invading Abyssinia

  • Fatal blow - Italy was a leading member of League of Nations.
  • Very close to the league - Europe.
  • Mussolini wanted victories so prepared for a full invasion of Abysinia.
  • Britain and France didn't take it seriously and played for time. They wanted to keep on the good side of Mussolini.
  • Mussolini launched attack (large attacking small).
  • League decided to impose sanctions but delayed oil imports for 2 months.
  • Failed to block of the Suez Canal.
  • Secret dealing between Britain, France and Italy to give Italy 2/3 of Abysinnia if he called of the attack.
  • Details leaked to press - disaster - sacked.
  • America disgusted by league and stepped up oil exports to Italy.
  • Hitler marched into Rhineland March 1936.
  • France now wanted Italy as an ally.
  • May 1936 Italy had taken Abyssinia's capital.
The League of Nations

Border Disputes

Border Disputes

The League of Nations



The League of Nations

Introduction and structure

Introduction and structure

The League of Nations

League of Nations failure

League of Nations failure

The League of Nations

Social Successes

Social Successes

The League of Nations

Why America didn't join the league

Why America didn't join the league