Parallel circuits

Parallel circuits

Parallel circuits

  • Each component separately connected.
  • If one of the components is disconnected then it does not effect those it is parallel with.
  • All components get the full source voltage.
  • Voltage the same in all components.
  • The lower the resistance of a component the greater the current.
  • Total current in the circuit is equal to the currents in its separate branches.
  • Total current going into a junction is equal to the total current leaving it.
Electricity and magnetism

Conductors of Electricity

Conductors of Electricity

Electricity and magnetism

Current, voltage and resistance

Current, voltage and resistance

Electricity and magnetism

Electric charge

Electric charge

Electricity and magnetism

Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic Induction

Electricity and magnetism

Magnets and electromagnets

Magnets and electromagnets

Electricity and magnetism

Series circuits

Series circuits