Was the period 1925-9 really the golden years?

Was the period 1925-9 really the golden years?

Was the period 1925-9 really the golden years?

  • Stresemann was now in power.
  • He made the Dawes plan and Young plan to reduce reparations and form a new German currency with loans from America.
  • Cultural achievements were high - new bands, artists, poets and there was no censorship so new material was made.
  • Good foreign policies - Locarno Treaties 1925 lead to Germany joining the League of Nations.


  • No party won majority of seats.
  • Unemployment was on the increase.
  • Government was spending too much on benefits and health.
  • The loans and new currency were dependent on the USA.
  • There were still extremes of wealth and poverty in Germany.
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