Depression and rise of the Nazis
- 1929 wall street crash >>> USA >>> depression.
- USA recalled German loans to be repaid.
- Businesses bankrupt.
- Unemployment rocketed.
- During the depression the 25 points of the Nazis became more attractive (especially to old, unemployed and middle class).
- The Nazis claimed:
- Germany needed a strong leader.
- Needed to get rid of the Treaty of Versailles.
- Needed to give unemployed jobs - join army, build armaments and road building.
- By 1932 the Nazis were the biggest single party.
Why did the Nazis succeed in the elections?
- Businessmen were afraid of communists who would nationalize industry.
- Middle classes hoped the Nazis would prevent more inflation.
- Unemployed thought Nazis would get people back to work.
- Hitler whipped up emotions in his rallies. He was dynamic and gave his message to millions with propaganda.
- Unemployed workers were given food and shelter and employment in the SA.
- Helped by depression from wall street crash 1929.