LEDCs can not cope as well with natural hazards than MEDCs. Using examples you have studied explain why this statement is true.

LEDCs can not cope as well with natural hazards than MEDCs. Using examples you have studied explain why this statement is true.

LEDCs can not cope as well with natural hazards than MEDCs. Using examples you have studied explain why this statement is true.

LEDC - Egypt. Earthquake on 12th October 1992.

  • Measured 5.9 on Ricter scale.
  • There were 552 deaths and 10,000 injuries.
  • A rapidly growing country with overcrowding - inadequate shanty housing.
  • No proper infrastructure makes it difficult for emergency services.
  • No money for hospitals and no proper health care.

MEDC - USA. Earthquake in October 1989.

  • Measured 6.9 on Ricter scale (more violent than Egypt yet less deaths).
  • 150 deaths mainly due a highway collapsing.
  • Most of the city was undamaged because they were prepared.
  • Only a few buildngs collapsed (had been strengthened).
Natural Hazards

Continental drift

Continental drift

Natural Hazards



Natural Hazards

Plate tectonics

Plate tectonics

Natural Hazards



Natural Hazards

Volcano - Mount St. Helens

Volcano - Mount St. Helens

Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards - practice questions

Natural Hazards - practice questions