Suggest some ways these conflicts could be avoided

Suggest some ways these conflicts could be avoided

Suggest some ways these conflicts could be avoided

  • Some roads completely closed and others can be closed except for local traffic.
  • This makes it more pleasant for other tourists.
  • BUT people in the tourist industry lose out as if you have a shop on a busy road, it will get more trade than a shop on a road which is closed to traffic.
  • Park and ride schemes can be set up to reduce congestion.
  • Car park sizes can be increased but this takes up countryside.
  • People can be educated e.g. signs: "please stick to footpaths"
  • Restricted on speed on waterways.
  • Limited building allowed.
Leisure and tourism

Growth of leisure industry

Growth of leisure industry

Leisure and tourism

Holiday destinations in Britain

Holiday destinations in Britain

Leisure and tourism

Holidays in Britain

Holidays in Britain

Leisure and tourism



Leisure and tourism



Leisure and tourism

