Cross contamination

Cross contamination

Cross contamination

  • You must prevent raw and cooked foods touching each other.
  • If raw and cooked foods touch each other then bacteria pass between them.
  • You must not allow meat to drip onto other foods as this will contaminate the food.
  • You must also prevent bacteria from being transferred on hands, chopping boards, surfaces and other utensils. This will allow bacteria to spread onto other food.
  • The Danger Zone is between 5°C and 63°C
  • This is the temperature where bacteria reproduces fastest at.
  • There are various ways of killing bacteria:
  • Extreme temperature, no moisture, no air (tinning) or using a disinfectant to kill the bacteria.
  • When you cook food, you must make sure you cook it all the way through and defrost in properly or bacteria may not be killed.
Safety & Hygiene

Food spoilage

Food spoilage

Safety & Hygiene

Hygiene in the kitchen

Hygiene in the kitchen

Safety & Hygiene

Safety in the kitchen

Safety in the kitchen