Technical Terms

Technical Terms

Technical Terms

A selection of technical terms with meanings that you will be expected to understand and use in the exam.

  • Analogy - Comparing the likeness of two things.
  • Irony - Expressing something by using words that mean the opposite (humorous or sarcastic). E.g. grimly gay.
  • Personification - Giving an object human characteristics. E.g. the light winked.
  • Alliteration - Repetition of a consonant in a phrase. E.g. fat Fred's football
  • Assonance - Repetition of vowel sound or using the same constant with a different vowel in a phrase. E.g. cold, told.
  • Parataxis - Use of very short, sharp sentences.
  • Simile - Comparing two objects as they have something in common e.g. as white as the snow.
  • Metaphor - Comparisons which don't use 'like' or 'as' but say that something 'is' something else because it is similar.
  • Imagery - Using language to convey an atmosphere.
  • Onomatopoeia - When spoken a word which sounds the same as its meaning e.g. plop!
English Language



English Language



English Language



English Language



English Language

Useful expressions

Useful expressions